(410) 742-2659 ambc@allenmemorial.org

Freedom In Christ Course

Beginning on Thursday, January 16th from 7:00-8:30 p.m, and extend to March 27th (skipping March 6th). This course helps followers of Christ break through and break free…break through to a higher level of spiritual maturity and break free from negative thinking and damaging patterns of behavior. 
We will also hold a spiritual retreat that will really refresh your walk with Christ–
March 7th-9th in Ocean City

Take in person at AMBC (the preferred way)

Take On Zoom

Spirit Walk Course

The Spirit Walk path has helped thousands of ordinary people shift from a fundamental reliance upon methods and self-helps to the essential reliance upon the Spirit Who empowers both. Discover how to start on your lifelong journey of being filled again and again by the Holy Spirit as you abide in Christ.

Join us on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM at Pastor Michael’s home. We will meet for 8 weeks starting October 10th through December 12th (skipping October 31st and November 28th). There will be a $20 cost for the book and workbook. Click HERE to sign-up.

Becoming a Disciple Maker

This training will start you on the journey of following Jesus’ command to be a disciple who can make disciples.  You will …

Learn to pray like a disciple maker

Grow in confidence in starting spiritual conversations

Be equipped to make disciples that make more disciples

Be inspired to start believing God for more fruit than you thought possible

See the world from a whole new perspective

Stay tuned for more information!

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